Houston Bus Accident Lawyer
Learn About Bus Crash Accident Litigation
Is a bus accident attorney needed? Bus accident lawyers cover all areas of personal injury regarding legal liability in any bus accident. Any accident involving a bus usually causes catastrophic damage in the event of a high speed crash. We represent accident victims from public bus accidents to individual personal injury involving a bus accident. Bus accidents usually have more litigation and extra evaluations may need to be concluded. First and foremost, we want to protect the rights of our clients and this includes going beyond the normal duties to ensure that our client is in the best care.
Who is at Fault in a Bus Crash?
Bus Accident Attorney Proves Liability
A lot needs to be determined to understand who is at fault. First we need to establish who is involved in the accident and what happened. This is something that our bus accident attorneys will work with you to complete. We will document everything that happened in the accident. We will make a courageous effort to prove liability with evidence that will pass in a court of law. The sooner we learn about your case will help us on our end develop a successful case.
Determining liability can be difficult because of many underlying issues involving responsibility of fault. Typically schools contract out busing to other companies that handle the duties, paying the drivers and paying for insurance. This would typically cause the bus driving company to be responsible in the fact that the bus driver caused the auto accident.
Many schools contract out bussing duties to third party companies so this would usually eliminate the school from being at fault unless it was an accident that happened on school grounds and the school bus driver was at fault. Our licensed Texas bus accident lawyers can go through the evidence in the case and determine who is at fault.
Another determining factor when discussing bus accidents is who caused the accident. If a bus is side swiped by an 18-wheeler and the 18-wheeler ran a red light, then the 18-wheeler would be at fault. Security cameras on near by premises can assist in providing information on damage and law rights.
What About Bus Accident Victims?
Experienced Bus Crash Attorney in Houston
Bus accidents include only a very small percentage of personal injury and wrongful death claims, and they cannot be considered routine. We understand how difficult this time is for you and your family. We encourage you to call us right away so we can answer any of your questions.
The bus accident lawyers of Gary S. Tucker & Associates, P.C. are the best choice for bus accident law. We provide the strongest possible representation by providing assistance, medical bills, discuss your case, provide proper research and submitting necessary paperwork. Choose a law firm practice that will assist your family with bus accident injury by providing free case reviews for victims in our area.
If you or someone close to you is injured or killed in a bus accident, call the accident attorneys of Gary S. Tucker & Associates, P.C. at 1-800-275-5007. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day to answer questions regarding compensation, who is responsible, past verdicts, defense options, driver fault, pain and suffering, and help provide effective evaluation information from our lawyers. Bus accident attorney that you don’t pay unless we win.