Houston Mesothelioma Attorney
Learn About Mesothelioma Lawsuit Litigation
Scientists and health care professionals have known for years that exposure to asbestos can be dangerous or even fatal. Nonetheless, employers have continued allowing individuals to be exposed to chemicals by asbestos companies. Auto mechanics, construction workers, shipyard workers and electricians are at the highest risk for developing asbestosis because they directly handle asbestos materials while performing their jobs.
When asbestos fibers are inhaled for an extended period, the consequences can be deadly, causing irreparable harm to the lungs and respiratory system. Although symptoms of asbestosis can take over 30 years to develop, people who exposed to asbestos for longer time periods and in areas with less ventilation often develop asbestosis or mesothelioma sooner. If you have been exposed to asbestos, you may be entitled to a mesothelioma settlement.
What are Symptoms of Mesothelioma?
Learn About Dangers of Mesothelioma Exposure
Symptoms of asbestosis and mesothelioma include difficultly breathing, a dry cough and extensive scarring of the tissues of the lungs. When clients contact us, we have them tested with breathing tests and lung x-rays.
Working with medical experts, we have proven that exposure to asbestos in the workplace has caused them to develop asbestosis or mesothelioma.
If you have recently been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma, or if a member of your family has died of mesothelioma or another malignant cancer related to asbestos exposure, contact the Texas personal injury lawyers at Gary S. Tucker and Associates, P.C. in Houston. We represent mesothelioma victims through out the United States.
One of the main challenges in any lawsuit based on asbestos exposure is to identify and find the right defendants decades after the victim’s ingestion of the asbestos fibers. Most persons who develop malignant mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos as long as forty years prior to diagnosis. Since asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma, there is usually little difficulty in establishing that the victim’s illness or death was caused by the substance. However, finding a past owner of property or the successor to a defunct corporation can present real problems for the plaintiff’s attorney.
Mesothelioma Lawyer Consultation
Find out legal rights for Mesothelioma Lawsuits
What is the statue of limitations when filing a mesothelioma lawsuit? At Gary S. Tucker and Associates, P.C., we have the experience and the resources necessary to identify and locate the parties responsible for the unprotected exposure to asbestos that resulted in such a painful terminal illness as mesothelioma. We advance all the expenses involved in preparing and presenting your case, including the medical forensics necessary to confirm the diagnosis of mesothelioma in case the defendant disputes it. We handle all mesothelioma cases on a contingent fee basis, you are not responsible for any of our attorney’s fees or expenses unless we make a successful recovery on your claim. Let our Asbestos lawyers discuss your legal options with you.
The asbestos exposure that can result in mesothelioma might have occurred at a shipyard, at an electric power plant, in a building where asbestos removal was performed improperly, at an automotive brake shop, or even at home where a worker inadvertently exposed a spouse or child through dust on clothing. Whatever the source of your exposure, our attorneys can help you obtain compensation. Was there a wrongful death? Our mesothelioma lawyers work with your family to ensure they are financially secure.
Contact Gary S. Tucker and Associates, P.C. in Houston for a free consultation with Asbestos cases at (800) 275-5007.