Houston GranuFlo Attorney

Learn About GranuFlo Lawsuit Litigation

houston granuflo attorneyHouston Granuflow Lawyers at Gary S. Tucker & Associates have the experience and talent to win. GranuFlo and NaturaLyte, used in dialysis, appear to increase the risk of heart attack. On March 29, 2012, all Fresenius Medical Care (FMC) Naturalyte and Granuflo dialysates products were the subject of a class I FDA recall, which included all products made since 2008.

The FDA is also investigating whether the company’s failure to warn patients violated federal law. It appears now that Fresenius Medical Care (FMC) failed to alert the public to the GranuFlo heart attack risk for several months after first discovering the increased heart attack risk.

Granuflow Information

More than 900 GranuFlo Heart Attacks

GranuFlo problems first surfaced in 2010 when more than 900 people suffered heart attacks while receiving treatment in Fresenius Medical Care clinics. A powder concentrate used during dialysis to help patients with kidney failure remove toxins from the blood, GranuFlo is mixed with bicarbonate to neutralize the acid.

However, GranuFlo already contains higher levels of bicarbonate than its competitors’ products, so the addition of extra bicarbonate can lead to a fatal overdose for the patient. Research suggests that excessive levels of bicarbonate increase the risk of heart attack six-fold.

Granuflo FDA Research

Health Problems from Granuflo

Both GranuFlo and NaturaLyte have been linked to alkalosis, a serious condition known to increase potentially perilous cardiovascular events.

The FDA has received complaints describing alkali dosing errors that occurred during hemodialysis which used dialysate concentrates containing acetic acid and acetate.

These potential sources of alkali – when metabolized – can contribute to elevated bicarbonate levels in patients undergoing hemodialysis, which can lead to metabolic alkalosis.

Health Problems Include:

Low blood pressure
Cardiopulmonary arrest
Cardiac arrhythmia
Sudden heart attack
Hemodialysis cardiopulmonary arrest

Houston GranuFlo Lawyer

Call for a Free GranuFlo Case Consultation

Our lawyers specialize in drug litigation, and have been fighting Big Pharma successfully for many years. Choosing Gary S. Tucker and Associates to work your potential GranuFlo or NaturaLyte claim grants access to the highest level of legal help in the land. Contact us for a free legal case review.

When looking for a Houston GranuFlo Attorney it is important to choose a law firm that has knowledge and experience. Gary S Tucker and Associates will provide you with the best GranuFlo Lawyers in Houston. If you are looking for a NaturaLyte Attorney that will fight for your rights, contact us right away.

houston granuflo attorney